Yes, I said acupuncture. We've decided to try it as the next step in trying to conceive.
I feel like God might be closing the doors of seeing medical doctors. He definitely cut the strings from my favorite NaPro doctor in Austin, and I'm beginning to doubt my NaPro doctor here. I feel like he's been taking a shot in the dark trying to regulate my hormones. I don't have an OB/GYN and feel like we wouldn't agree on treatment plans anyway. I'm assuming they'll automatically want to do IUI or in vitro, but husband and I aren't ready to do either (for both personal and financial reasons).
While visiting with a friend one night, she suggested acupuncture and said she knew many friends that conceived because of it...
DISCLAIMER: I wholeheartedly believe when we conceive some day it will be because the Lord's timing was perfect and because He created life. He does not need doctors, level hormones, acupuncture, surgery, or even IUI to make a baby (although He can use any and all of the above).
... I was skeptical at first, but she encouraged me to pray about it. I went home and prayed the Lord would direct my research and open doors as He saw fit. Enter Dr. Zhou! I pulled up the website for Acupuncture and Alternative Medicine of Dallas and noticed she specializes in infertility... especially "unexplained infertility." Just as the Lord led me to the doctor in Austin with His undeniable peace, I know he will continue to lead us with his peace.
That same day I received confirmations from three other people about acupuncture. I called Dr. Zhou and made an appointment for two weeks from now. I'm still praying about it and seeking wisdom. But that's where we're at.
“Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him.” 1 Samuel 1:17
humbled by His faithfulness and love,
sarah jane
Dear Sarah Jane, have come across your blog by "accident"! No, we Christians do not do anything by accident. God blessed me with a precious son when I was told I could not have children, so as you already know HE IS ABLE. I am glad you are still praying about the Acupuncture - it is incompatible with Christianity in its basis, as it originates from religious beliefs that are more Buddhist in origin. For me, I would not do it as I believe it breaks the first commandment "Thou shalt have no other Gods but me", and this will not bring the blessing God wants to shower on you and your husband. He is asking me to remind you about Abraham and Sarah, they took matters into their own hands, did what seemed right, and ended up with Ishmael. Pray as to whether the Acupuncture could be Ishmael, God has Isaac for you. This is my fourth attempt at doing this comment, so hopefully it will happen this time. Will be praying for you. Remember, the Holy Spirit leads us into all knowledge and fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. I will pray for the Lord to bless you with your much longed for child. Remember also Hannah from the Bible xxx
ReplyDeleteHey Sarah Jane! I am a big fan of acupuncture! I'm not sure how much it has actually helped me in trying to get pregnant, but it is very relaxing. I always leave feeling like I just had a message or spa treatment, it is very calming! I definitely got a green light from God about pursuing it and have never felt that it was something I should not do. Unfortunately, it does get expensive, especially because most insurance plans don't cover it. I have cut back on how much I go because of the cost, but I still enjoy it when I do go. I'll be interested to hear if you go, what your experience was! Blessings!